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Crimea Tours

Gurzuf Township: Arman Richelieu House, Fountain "Night", Genoese Fortress

Gurzuf Fortress

In the 6th century the southers and eastern coast of the Crimea belonged to Byzantinum (Byzantine). The centre of her Crimean lands was Chersonesus. Fortresses, castels, monasteries were being built everywhere. One of the fortresses erected under Emperor Justinian the First in Gorzubitai (Gurzuf now) was mantioned for the first time in the treatise "On Structures" by Procopius of Caesaria. The remains of the fortress were brought to light by Academician Peter Pallas (between 1788 and 1784) were then explored by Koeppen, Berthier-Delagarde and others scholars. The preserved remains nected with the activities of the Genoese on the seaside.

The most characteristic archeological monuments of the South Coast are remnants of small not infrequently tiny fortifications known under the name of "isars". They were erected on the South Coast of the Crimea in the 8th-9th centuries for the defence from the steppe nomad`s inroads. The "isars" ruins can be seen in many palces on the South Coast - near Oreanda on Mt. Krestovaya, on Cape of Holy Trinity, on Panea Cliff, on Mt. Koshka. In the environs of Yalta there are 44 monuments of archeology all told that have been listed in the state register.

Gurzuf fountainMany monuments of archeology are at the same time those of architecture. The most ancient of arts - architecture - tells vividly and expressively of the times it dates from. Different ages, different peoples have left on the South Coast examples of art of construction. The ancient structures and medieval fortresses were replaced by the new buildings that have assimilated the diversity of motifs and styles of Ancient Greece, Italy, Byzantine, Middle East. Much has been prompted by Nature itself - the great creator-architect. Structure erected among mountain massifs and on their picturesque slopes descending to the sea produce a strong and indelible impression...


Old narrow streets in Gurzuf have kept not only the walls of the old houses, but also old traditions of winemaktng. Here, in a cosy cellar, you can enjoy in taste and aroma of different kinds of Crimean wines, which have more than hundred-year-old history. You can also taste those sorts of wine which were once drunk by Russian tsars.
Crimean wines are created according to classical European technologies. The grapes, gron on the slopes of mountains under the generous Crimean sun, gives the wines of the Crimea their original and unique taste. In a circle of close friends you will drink a glass of good wine with a professional wine maker and share traditions of old Gurzuf.

Sergey Tsarapora private guide